Books I read..

  • The Alchemist
  • Many Lives, Many Masters
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
  • 2 States
  • The 3 Mistakes of My Life

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I always wanted to read this book, not because I read reviews about it, but because I saw this book in almost everyone's hands in the path train while travelling to my office.
This was more of a curiosity factor. Finally I got this book in one of those expensive stores on the Newark airport.
Elizabeth takes you through a spiritual journey without the readers knowledge.The most interesting and fascinating fact is the description of the places which all start with the letter "I". Reading how Liz discovers herself we actually discover ourselves. I donot know if I will ever find a book like this to read again, this was the feeling at the end of last line of the book.
The book covers all aspects of human nature anger,sorrow,joy,love,devotion,family and work.


hari said...

HI I liked your poems and quotesand am from hyderabad.I just saw your blog and will read more often


Shilpa said...

Thanx Hari.