Books I read..

  • The Alchemist
  • Many Lives, Many Masters
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
  • 2 States
  • The 3 Mistakes of My Life

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


When Iam down and depressed I talk to you
When Iam alone and scared I talk to you
When I feel Iam going nowhere I talk to you
For, I know you are always there to hear

My friend, you are there to support
in all the highs and lows of life
You are there when I need you
in all the phases of my life

When I succeed I see you beside me
patting me for my success
When I achieve a deal
I see you buying me a meal
For you are more happy than me

I donot know if I can ever repay
all your small gestures
which teach me the meaning of friendship everyday
and the art of giving happiness

Sunday, August 22, 2010

MVC Architecture in DotNet

MVC Architecture
Its easier to understand when we draw analogies.I draw an analogy of MVC architecture with 3-tier architecture.In 3-tier architecture we have a UI layer,Biz.Logic layer and Data Access Layer.
Here the UI layer corresponds to the "View" layer. The part of Business logic layer that involves fetching data from database and performing manipulations on it from "Business Perspective" form the "Model" layer and
the remaining part of Business logic layer that does the manipulations(if required) on the methods fetched form "Model" layer and also manipulations required in the "View" layer form the "Controller" layer.
The "View" layer is a set of UI controls including the client script thats is .aspx file.
The "Model" layer is a dll that needs to be called in the Controller layer. Since this is a dll all the error handling is done in the form of "Throw exceptions" and these are caught in the "Controller" layer transalting them into user-understandable statements.
Since the Model layer is developed as a dll, it is highly "reusable", can be called from a webpage,service,windows applications etc.
The "Controller" layer is the link between "View" and "Model" layers. This layer is essentially the "server side code" that is .aspx.cs files.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Writing to Excel from SSIS Script Task

To add reference of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll in Script Task,Visual Studio 2005 doesnot provide a COM tab to browse and get the dll.
Workaround : Place the Interop dll in Microsoft .Net folder(Usually C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727), it will appear in the .Net tab in Add reference of Script Task. Also, register this dll using Regasm command. 12.0 version of this dll is compatible with VS2005.