Books I read..

  • The Alchemist
  • Many Lives, Many Masters
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
  • 2 States
  • The 3 Mistakes of My Life

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Celebrate Life

When you wake up in the morning
Give yourself a smile
For, you deserve it
this act of gratitude, all the while

When you see a child
Give him a smile
For, he is such a wonderful creation
He does it every once a while

When you look at the trees
Give them a smile
For, it is these that give you the breeze
So soft and pure flowing through life

When it rains
Feel the drops and give a smile
For, He has created
these drops so pure and fresh

When you breathe air
Feel the happiness and thank god
For, He gave you this life
To care and share

Feel His presence everywhere
and within yourself
For, you spare yourself the effort
To search for something that is in thyself

Celebrate life everyday
Celebrate life every moment
For, moments make days
as drops make oceans
Celebrate life, celebrate yourself

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